Building Ads & Wallscapes

Building & Wallscape advertising to make an unforgettable impression!

Wallscape Advertising

Make a Massive impression with a Massive Ad!

Wallscapes or Building Advertising are the Super Bowl of Billboard advertising. They help you make a spectacular first impression that serves as a highly effective launch pad for a big campaign. Building Advertising or Wallscape advertisements are incredibly effective tools to brand your company as a force to be reckoned with. Wallscape ads can be attached to to the exterior of a building via hand-painting as a mural or vinyl prints securely attached to the exterior of a building.

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Building Posters

Go for the Big Time! Go for Wallscapes!

Our Wallscapes appear on the side of apartment buildings, construction sites or large parking structures, usually in high-traffic areas through the city especially in shopping districts.

Tip #1 for Wallscape Success

#1 - Easy-to-read font

Your audience will appreciate an easy-to-read font even though it appears on a giant poster.

Tip #2 for Wallscape Success

#2 - Keep it Simple!

The simpler the message, the easier it will be for your audience to view & remember the ad.

Tip #3 for Wallscape Success

#3 - Use contrast

The more contrast your create in your designs, the easier it will be on the eyes.
Building Advertising

The benefits of Wallscapes

Big Impact:
Immediately capture the attention of tens of thousands of pedestrians and commuters and make a lasting impression with Building Advertising. 

Creative Possibilities:
A bigger space offers a wide range of creative possibilities, including content that blends or takes advantage of its environment to drive a visual message.

Exceptional Reach:
Wallscapes are almost impossible to ignore and can be seen from a distance.


Wallscape Types and Pricing

Wallscape Advertising in Parking Garages
Parking Structure Ads

Cars entering or exiting parking structures will get a full view of your advertisement displayed on the wall. 

Approx. $3,500+ / month *
Production/install fee: 
Approx. $750+

*Pricing varies by location, type of ad and length of campaign

Wallscape Advertising
Wallscape Package

A series of ads displayed next to one another in congested areas with entertainment venues, restaurants and nightlife scene.

Approx. $30,000+
 / month 
Production/install fee: 
Approx. $10,000+

*Pricing varies by location, type of ad and length of campaign

Building Posters
Mid-Sized Building Ads

How would you use an entire bus? Display your creative with full or half wraps to extend your message and make a strong impression.

Approx. $35,000+
 / month
Production/install fee: 
Approx. $15,000+

*Pricing varies by location, type of ad and length of campaign

Building Advertising
Large Building Ads

Make a high impact on pedestrians and commuters by placing an ad on the side of an impressive building. 

Approx. $50,000+
 / month 
Production/install fee:
Approx. $20,000+

*Pricing varies by location, type of ad and length of campaign

Find our Wallscapes

Be seen on Buildings all throughout Los Angeles County.

Reserve your spot on the "Gateway" Ad Space!

If you are planning to capture impressions in the West side, then the “Gateway” Ad space can be a powerful instrument in your
advertiser’s tool kit! Located near the corner of Cahuenga and Barham, right before branching off into Mulholland and Highland, agencies use this ad space as a “gateway” to offer commuters a first look before they are inundated by a myriad of “West Side ads” vying for their attention.

Learn more about the “Gateway” Ad space! 

Selling Sunset Ads 4

Get more information about the Gateway Ad space.

Learn more about Wallscape and Building Advertising